
DutchCheez back to Hollywood

The 15th of March 2015 DutchCheez spend a busy week in Los Angeles. From a rainy and cold Amsterdam we arrived in sunny Los Angeles. You have no idea how happy and relaxed Dutch muscles feel, when suddenly heating up in such a climate. It felt like a warm embrace. This was in fact how we experienced the whole week; not only due to the physical warmth, but we got these sensations also by the inspiring, positive and helpful people we have met.

We spoke with many interesting film professionals at the Raindance filmmakers & actors meet-up at the Vaucluse Lounge. This community is initiated by film producer Julia Verdin of ‘Rough Diamond Productions’: The Merchant of Venice (starring Al Pacino), 2 Jacks (starring Danny Huston). This is a great place for international indie filmmakers to establish industry contacts and share ideas.

DutchCheez also attended an acting class at the Hollywood Playhouse, where we worked on a scene of the popular TV show ‘House’: our first time on stage in Hollywood: we felt happy like little girls in a candy store.

Also we met Nina Markus, Vice President Legal Affairs at 20th Century Fox: a genuine Dutch cowgirl. As former lawyer in Amsterdam, she left Holland for the United States 7 years ago, to make it in the Hollywood film business. Nobody believed she could pull it off, but she did. We found her life story truly inspiring and were honoured to meet with this cheerful and energetic woman.

There is so much to do in this sizzling city of film. Like CA Governor Schwarzenegger said: ‘We’ll be back!’